I recently made a static mesh cave under my terrain and was trying to set up a trigger box for the audio transition from inside the cave and outside the cave. I got everything done to make that work but when I played the game in the editor the sounds worked fine but the trigger box seems to block the projectile balls that the stock ue4 character shoots in the FPS. I Can walk through it fine but it blocks the projectiles . Any thoughts ?
I’m experiencing the same thing. A collision box in a blueprint set to the Collision Presets of “Trigger” now causes the FirstPersonProjectile balls to collide with that trigger box. 4.8.3
It appears the CollisionComponent is now set to the ObjectType “WorldStatic” rather than the previous “Projectile” (which doesn’t appear in the drop down now.
Changing the CollisionComponent’s “Object Type” to “PhysicsBody” seems to prevent this issue.
Check the collision properties. The cave’s trigger box or the projectile’s collision component collision properties must be set to overlap or ignore the other one’s Object Type.