Tribes-Like Skiing Help (frictionless movement)

I’m trying to make a game almost identical to Tribes. An FPS with projectile weapons, jetting, skiing, etc.

Now here’s my current issue, I asked about skiing here before and someone helped. I now know a little (lot) more about blueprint scripting, this is what I’ve got:

It gives far from the desired effect. If you try it, and you’ve played any Tribes game, you would instantly be able to tell it’s not like skiing at all. This is skiing: Tribes Ascend - How to Ski Like a Boss - YouTube
As you can see from the video, what you do is you land in bowls in the landscape and hold a button to get ‘frictionless movement’ to ‘ski’ across the land at high speeds. The bigger the slope and original force, the faster the skiing.

The blueprint above should work, but I don’t fall down hills when I go up them, oh no no no I can go straight up a huge hill no problem at all. And force doesn’t work right, if I come into a gap/bowl in the landscape and hold the ski key, sometimes I may immediately go at 489525892452 miles per hour and sometimes my character kinda just sits there on the hill and doesn’t move. And WASD can make me go 489525892452 miles per hour in the direction I press instantly, too.

Actually I can’t “ski” without holding W/A/S/D at all. Hills just make me sit there. Yeah this is so messed up.

I am also very interested in something like this :slight_smile: Did you make any progress on that so far?
Sadly I can’t see the blueprint image you provided for some reason…

I’d also love to implement a skiing-Effekt like in Tribes! :slight_smile: