Since some short time, when i reimport a mesh from a Blender export i always get the message, that several triangles are not imported because of duplicate indices.
I did not change my workflow at all, so i dont know what happens here. I usually export an OBJ from RC, import it into Blender, edit it, use UV Packmaster 3, export it as an OBJ, import it into RC. This has always worked without any problems. RC and Blender are the latest versions. Operating system Windows 11.
Hi winterteufel69,
can you share the message print screen here? What are your import/export settings in both applications?
Is this also happening when you won’t use UV Packmaster?
Hi otrhan, thank you for answering.
Here the message in the console:
My import/export settings are those that are set by default.
If I import a model into Meshmixer and import it after the export back in RC, i dont get this message. And it is not only the message, the polygons are missing in the model. It is also not a specify model, it is every model i create in RC since some days.
Forgot to answer, yes, i get also this message when i dont use uv packmaster.
Hi winterteufel69,
I was testing this and for me it is not happening.
In Blender are you using the pre set setting too?
Is it also happening, when you just import and then export the model from Blender?
Clean Model is run when importing a model to RC, so that could cause the issue. Also, Blender has two OBJ exports now. A newer one and an old one. It could be the issue, too.
Yes, the problem occurs as soon as I import and export a model in Blender, even if I don’t change anything on the model. What might help with troubleshooting is that when I export a model from Blender to dae (Collada) and import that format into Reality Capture, I don’t get any missing polygons. So it is because of OBJ. Blender also has the default settings.
I have also tried importing a Blender export from another computer, again missing polygons. Can I deactivate Clean Model for testing?
OK, so it seems more like Blender issue to me.
Which of the OBJ export are you using?
Is it happening for both options? Do you remove the cube before importing the RC model from Blender?
For me these settings worked without error:
It is not possible to deactivate the Clean Model for import.
I have the same export settings like you
I export it as you showed Wavefront (.obj).
It makes my crazy. Because we tested it also with an old Version of Blender 3.5 with the same results. I can write to Blender, but i am sure they say that “inside” Blender all works fine.
Is it possible to share your models with us? The one from RC and one from Blender?
Also, axis are set differently, but I think the changing won’t influence anything.
Can you try check also the Selected Only option and the legacy OBJ export?
When you will try to export other formats, is it the same?
Blender 4 dont have the legacy OBJ export option. But we tried this already with an older version of Blender and it did not work. Selected only was tried, did not help. How can i send the files? i can send you a download link but not here in the forum. you need the RC project files too?
Can you contact our support at regarding this issue.
Then we will send you the invitation for the data upload to our Box. It would be nice to have also RC project, too.
I tested this now in Blender 4 and it work for me again.
Perhaps I have found the error. I have just created a model and saved the model under a different file name after each step, i.e. Meshmixer, then Blender, then RC again, so that you can follow everything exactly. Now I didn’t get an error message during the last import to Reality Capture. Could it be that the error is generated when you overwrite an existing obj? I have always done this to avoid creating too much data without errors. The only thing I have changed is to use an SSD instead of an HDD.
I’ll try that with another project too, if that works too, I think I’ve found the error. I’ll get back to you soon.
It is possible, I didn’t tried it that way. I was creating new models from Blender.