Trees placed via using the Landscape Material have no collision.

I have placed a bunch of trees in my scene using the "Landscape Mode / Paint method which takes the vegetation information from the “Landscape Material”. All trees appear and look nice, however when roaming around in the level I have noticed that none of the trees have a collision and I can walk right through them.

NOTE: I am not adding trees using the “Foliage Mode”.

My tree meshes all have collision meshes and collision enabled to block all. I have no idea what I am doing wrong here.

Can anyone help out with this one? THX!

The only thing the landscape Material provides is Grass.
And landscape grass meshes have no collision and no way to make them have a collision.

So, if that’s what you used, thats the issue.

If instead you painted foliage, then to know if they have collision you can try to sculpt the landscape. If they move along they are OK. If they don’t, the meshes may be improperly imported or set-up…

In the case they do move, open the meshes and change their collision settings to make sure they can collide with the character.

THX for the quick reply!! I guess I’ll have to paint the trees using the “Foliage Tool”.

Are you familiar with the “Procedural Ecosystem Asset” from the market place? There you can paint forests using the landscape material method and they have collision.

Q: Is placing trees using the foliage method more “expensive” than using the landscape material method, where trees are considered as grass, or is there no difference in performance?


Grass doesn’t work at a distance, so yes. Your trees painted as trees will likely cost more just due to their draw distance.

Aside from that, grass from the landacape hasn’t worked right for over a year, so basically no professional uses it in their projects. It could potentially work ok for ssmall time stuff. But why even bother when you can use procedural tools and get better results?