I'm working on a project on TM 2022.1.2, a recreation of a Castle where there's some trees inside it.
I wanted to make a video of the castle slowly rotating 360, so I've put everything inside a container and then created a rotator to make it rotate on a loop.
The problem is that when it's rotating the trees color pulsate, the leaves change color like they are going quickly going trough all the seasons.
I've disabled the wind and set all the trees season to "summer", but the problem persists.
I've even created a new blank project with just some trees and a rotator and this happens also.
So, it's a bug? Or is there anything I can do?
Of course I could put a camera rotating around the castle, but I find the movement not natural (nor a elegant solution).
Any tips are welcome, thanks!
Hello ,
Thank you for posting your question in the community and was able to reproduce this on my end as well. This seems like a current limitation to how the Level of Detail and vegetation are being represented.
I recommend you make a suggestion in the public road-map regarding rotating the entire scene and on the camera issues you were mentioning. https://portal.productboard.com/7pu88c9kpmqtzt8hwg6arujh/tabs/4-under-consideration
At the moment I think the best way to do this is to take your time and place camera's around the building.
Kind regards,
Vincent B.
Thanks for the feedback!
Ok, now that I know there's nothing I can do to resolve the issue I can focus on some work around.
Unfortunately can't use the solution of the camera going around, as hard as I try the movement is very funky due to the poor camera controls (would be nice to have camera as an object and set it on a rotator with a pivot point on the center of the castle).
Will report this to the page you mentioned, thanks.