Tree leaves look fuzzy/pixelated?

whenever i look at my tree it looks fuzzy? any ideas what to do?
P.s. im using the trees from here migrated into another project

show a screenshot of your scene where the issue is so we can see whats happening. it could be many things. could be as easy as a bad lod

Heres a video of it Fuzzy Tree - YouTube

it could be the texture resolution. is this a new issue? meaning did they look different before? also is it really something the player will be noticing, is it really a issue. a player may be more likely to notice that the tree is made of a series of planes than the texture itself.

the texture works in the old engine, and yes its VERY noticable. the tree being made of a series of planes isnt as noticable as a forest full of sparkling particle leaves that cause heavy lag when you look at it

the old engine? are you trying to use these assets in say 4.20 when they were made for 4.7? you know the way materials are rendered and many other aspects have changed since 4.7 right so you will likely need to tweak many things. im not a materials expert so i may not be able to guide you to the exact right solution but good luck. also when comparing the video to the screenshots on the forum its hard to see much difference.

if it looks pixelated it might be due to a not working MIP map. if you open the Texture Asset there Should be a Number in the Details Panel upper right corner labeled “Number of Mips”. if it’s 1, unreal didn’t precalculated downscaled versions of the texture and then realtime texture sampling won’t be able to handle high resolutions very well.

Alright I’ll look into this thanks

I was hoping this wouldn’t be the case. Thanks for the help