Trapezoid 2D UI


I want to make Trapezoid UI like this.


this UI is composed Sprite image like this

I try to make UI at WidgetBlueprint.
But WidgetBlueprint not Support Trapezoid Shape.
And 3D Widget have a problem that overlap of object

How do I create a trapezoid UI?

Two ways to go about this.

If it’s really a UI you’re building, that is, above the world and in front of everything, then you can use the Skew from the widget. But you won’t get a real perspective. It will faked. However it’s easy to do.

The other approach is more complicated and involves having a 3D widget attached either to your character (if you want it to follow the player) or in the world (if it’s fixed).

Here is an article on that

Widget Components in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.2 Documentation (and lookup UE4 3D widgets)

Hope this helps :slight_smile:

Oh Thank you
I Use 3D widget
Use (User Interface :: Space → Screen) Option

It dont Overlap Other Actor and always Can See.

Thank you so much