Translucent missing in Blend Mode?


I’m trying to make an asset material using a Render Target Material, and the translucent option in the Blend Mode seems to be missing.

I looked at the documentation on the website here, and it shows that Translucent should be available, however for whatever reason it doesn’t appear to be.

I’m trying to make this material to create a rotatable static mesh so that players will be able to spin objects around and view a mesh from all sides, as I plan on creating some materials and objects that have details hidden around them.

Would somebody be able to help me out with this problem, either by helping me create a better solution than what I have, linking me to a walk through of how to do it that they know works, or anything else that will resolve said issue?

Attached is my current material break down, and I can try and supply any other additional information that is asked.

Thanks, and may those of you who respond have a great day.