I have a glass material with a blue tint. This is causing a blue tint on everything around that material. Is there any way to have the blue tint, but not have that color glow on the scene around it?
What lighting mode is it in the material? what blend mode is being used for it? Is it the default lit shading model?
There’s a setting in the details panel, depending on those material settings I asked about, which is something to the effect of “Translucency affects lighting”.
Be back in a bit after looking it up in the editor.
It sounds like you are using emissive in the material. Is there anything connected to the emissive input in the material’s Main Node?
Here are my settings. I don’t have anything plugged into the emissive node. I have it set to Default Lit and Translucent.
It’s most likely not the material settings alone. It’s most likely due to GI (global illumination) and/or other lighting settings. I read that the directional light can cast translucent shadows, and global illumination via indirect light (bounced light) can scatter color from geometry it passes through and bounces off. Here’s a link to one doc page showing how bounced lighting picks up the color from underlying geometry, even from opaque cloth material objects that are a smaller part of the scene:
Scroll down to Diffuse Interreflection and to the picture with the red, cloth overhangs in between large columns. The red is picked up by Lightmass and cast onto the columns and other geometry. It’s not only the lighting, but also the shadows. So, a translucent object is likely to be casting color from one or both of lighting and shadowing.
Check to see if one of the lights affecting the blue glass is set to cast volumetric translucent shadows, or affect translucency in any ways. If so, uncheck those…or, try setting all the self-shadowing settings of the material (inside material editor general settings by clicking on main material node or in empty graph) to 0 / off…or both. The skylight might also be scattering the color, so it would be practical to check it too for those properties and turn them off.
Is that screenshot of the parent material, and there’s an instance of it in the scene? it doesn’t have any blue tint, so I thought there’s probably an instance with the blue in it. If you’re using a cubemap in the skylight or a directional light, and the cubemap image has blue in it or the directional light’s color has blue in it, it could be scattering that blue through the glass and onto nearby geometry. So it’d best to check color of skylight and its cubemap image / settings, and if using a directional light…check color in its details panel. I was testing something in an almost empty level with the starter table and chairs, and simply having Red and Green set to 1, with Blue set to less than 1 but not 0 caused green in the shadows. When I changed the RGB values to 1, so it is completely white, it was gone. Gray and black could work too, depending on the lighting / shadowing settings.