Transitions for empty State Machines, when using Linked Anim Layers?

I’m using Linked Anim Layers, similar to the Lyra Start Game set-up, and would like help with transitions.

My ABP has states for Idle → Start → Cycle → End.
All my characters have animations for Idles and Cycles, but currently only some have Start and End anims.
Before I get them, I’d prefer for them to not T-Pose, since it stops my transitions from flowing.

I’m looking for a way so that:

  • If there’s an anim given for the Start / End state, the transition triggers once the anim finishes (currently using Get Relevant Anim Time Remaining (Start) = 0).
  • If no anim is given, it should go straight to the next state

Any advice on ways to query this or set this up? I’m stuck so any hints appreciated. :sweat_smile: