Hey guys!
I just got a character from mixamo and Im trying to make the animation blueprints. I have one problem:I don
t know how to make the transition between the blendspace without a gun to the blendspace with gun.I tried to cast a boolean from the thirdperson blueprint to the transition but it didnt work..I
m kinda new to unreal,btw.
This one:
To this one:
Hey Nick!
In the Event Graph of your Animation Blueprint make a Cast To node from the Event Blueprint Update Animation and Try Get Pawn Owner nodes. (Drag out the “Exec” pin, start typing “cast to” and find the node with the name of your Character Blueprint.)
Drag out the “As …” pin from the lower right corner of your Cast To node and search for the boolean variable you defined in your Character Blueprint.
Drag out the output pin and select “Promote to variable”. (Give a unique name to the New Variable if you wish.)
You can make references to this (latter) variable in your Animation BP.
Hope this helps!
Best Regards,
PS: Find an example below. (You don’t have recreate the whole structure!)