Transition from ragdoll pose

I am trying to go from a saved ragdoll pose to a stand up animation. When I enter the standup animation my Z location is of by 88 and my Yaw rotation is off by 90 (it’s basically resetting the local transform of my mesh. I have corrected it with a set relative transform node but of course I’m getting a 1 frame hiccup when it snaps that transform.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I’m sure I’m just missing something simple (Or I hope I am lol)

Without seeing it in action as a video and seeing code I can only guess.

When you ragdoll most likely you keep the actor position in place but ragdoll an inner mesh component around freely. When standing up you would want to find a place where the actor can actually stand (by capsule collision test), then teleport the actor to the validated (or nearby) ragdoll position, disable ragdoll, swap collision back from ragdoll to capsule and then play the stand up animation. That animation can simply be a montage but it needs some play with IK and various montages for all poses you can stand up from (side, bottom, back etc.). Advanced Locomotion System (ALS) Does this, it’s free and you can see how things are done.

Thanks for your reply. I ended up fixing the problem by fixing my models and reimporting them. I just changed them so I could leave their transforms at 0.