Transform Vector in LocalSpace Material Editor Help for understanding better.

I am trying to understand what does the TransformVector Node from the Material Editor do.

Reading from the documentation LocalSpace refers to the space that has the origin located at the object’s position.

To test my understanding I have created a simple material as shown below.

I first get the camera position, then I translate the camera world position to the local space position, I split the components and I only get the last coordinate which should be equal to Z if I understand correctly.

Desired Outcome

When I move the scene camera above the object I should see the material white (positive) and when I move underneath the object I should see the material black.

Actual Outcome

When I move the scene view camera below Z = 0 the object becomes black, otherwise is white. However, the object has a Z of 950.0 and when I move the camera in the scene on Z between 950 and 0.0 the object remains white.

Why does this happen? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance


I think you have the wrong transform node

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Hi, Yes it works. But what is the difference between TransformPosition and TransformVector?
As far as I know a position is represented as a vector.

Try reading the tooltop for TransformVector, yikes…

And, there is

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