Transform Gizmos not showing up in Playmode (Selected viewport)

I have a weird issue with UE5. (On all projects, and v5.3 & 5.4)
As the title says, I have observed that it is impossible to use the transform widgets when testing in game mode (selected window).
I am new to Unreal Engine 5, but I guess this is not the desired behavior.

After looking a bit by myself, I can see that the “Show transform widget” option is always disabled when playing (and cannot be manually enabled).

Am I missing something? Can someone help me? This is really really annoying while debugging :frowning:

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You’re dealing with the difference between edit mode, and game mode.

Usually the player would not be redesigning the level.

It is possible, by pressing F8, to halt play and move objects around. Pressing F8 continues play.

If you want the objects to remain in their new positions after quitting, I think there’s a right click option for that ( during the F8 sequence ).

Oh, thank you very much!

This will really help me. (it was not for moving objects but rather for the visibility of axes during debugging) :+1: