'Transform Bone' stopped working in 4.12 [DEMO PROJECT]

4.12 broke my animation blueprint - I was setting my animation blueprint through Construction Script with ‘Transform Bone’ nodes, now they all stopped updating bones. For example, this should update bone location & scale from a variable that is set in Construction Script from other blueprint:
… But now it doesn’t do anything. It worked OK before 4.12.

Update: It probably loses variable value somewhere, I’ve posted an example in the first comment…

How can I fix this? This issue stops me from updating my Marketplace tool for 4.12…

------- UPDATE: -------
I’ve reproduced this bug in two simple demo projects, one working correctly for 4.11 and second one presenting the bug, for 4.12. Here are the project files:

4.12 project, bugged:

4.11 project, working:

Changing his head scale in editor works in 4.11, but not in 4.12. They have exact the same setup.

I’ve also discovered that it stopped working for Construction Script, but it works in-game. It looks like animation blueprint in 4.12 resets its variables every tick to default value.

Please fix this, this bug destroys my Marketplace tool for 4.12 :frowning:

I’ve created ‘Set Scale’ custom event to test where it loses variable value. The ‘scale’ variable is set via this custom event from other blueprint. Here is how it looks:

… So it gets the value in animation blueprint, but it loses it somewhere and doesn’t use it in ‘Transform Bone’ nodes… Any clues? :frowning:

Hey Slavq,

I’m having trouble getting this to actually work in 4.11. All I get is the default value for my test variable.

Can you show me your construction script?

Sure, here is the part of construction script:

… And here is animation blueprint anim graph:

I’ve reproduced this bug in two simple demo projects, one working correctly for 4.11 and second one presenting the bug, for 4.12. Here are the project files:

4.12 project, bugged:

4.11 project, working:

Changing his head scale in editor works in 4.11, but not in 4.12. They have exact the same setup.

I’ve also discovered that it stopped working for Construction Script, but it works in-game. It looks like animation blueprint in 4.12 resets its variables every tick to default value.

Please fix this, this bug destroys my Marketplace tool for 4.12 :frowning:

Hey Slavq,

Thanks for the example project. I’ve entered this as UE-31890.

Hello, any news on this? Is it hard to fix? Many people are asking about 4.12 compatibility of my Marketplace item and I can’t update it without this being fixed :frowning:

I hope they fix this soon, Project won’t work well without any solution to fix this. Rebuilding levels is no option for me. Let’s hope it will be done soon. It work well in the editor but not on play. Then all is disorientated.

Peter J.

Hey Slavq,

Unfortunately this likely won’t make it into a hotfix for 4.12. It’s marked as to-do, but I don’t think anybody has dug into it yet to see how hard a fix will be.


Is this maybe connected with THIS bug? They’re both based on skeletal controls not working via Construction Script.

Hey Slavq,

No, this bug is still being worked on and is not yet resolved. That other bug no longer occurs in latest 4.13 builds.


User @Nate has tested the bug project in 4,13 today and it appears to be fixed - INFO SOURCE.

I can’t check on my own yet, but I would like to confirm it, is it officially fixed?


Yes, it was fixed for 4.13