Transferring Data Table from one project to another breaks it.

Hey all, when I transfer a Data Table from one project to another I get this message when trying to open it. Any ideas? TiA


How did you transfer the Data Table?
The error says you are missing the struct that the data table was using.

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I copied all of the files I wanted (including the struct) exactly as they are in the working project and transferred them to the new project.

I’m trying to create something that is easily transferable between projects, so migrate etc isn’t an option.

Then I would advice creating a plugin and adding the Struct and Data Table inside it. That way you can just copy the plugin to the new project.

Manually copying assets will almost always break references

found this video on creating a Content Only Plugin

Literally looked into plugins 5mins ago. Thank you!

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This works. Make sure you Migrate and not just copy files from one folder to another.

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