Hi everyone, I am very new to Unreal Engine i was wondering is there a way to transfer characters/rigs from UE4 to Maya and have the controls available for animation? when i import an .fbx file into maya i end up with just the basic bones https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18843775/rig2.jpg as you can see there are no controls and also no ability to plant the feet or anything making animating a nightmare, any feedback as to what i’m doing wrong would be great! thanks
You are doing nothing wrong (except having the latest nvidia driver installed… your bone display is f***ed, roll back a version).
You have to build an animaiton rig yourself in maya. UE4 doesnt keep track of it as its not how the pipeline works.
You can use ART (my strongest suggestion)
Or AS (advanced skeleton)
Or make a rig yourself using tutorials on the internet, a good one is the rigging series on the autodesk maya learning channel on youtube.
Thanks for the reply its much appreciated! I’ve been pulling my hair out over this as the default mannequin seems to import with a rig but I’ve since noticed thats a .mb file not a .fbx, i guess someone must have rigged it at some point. Also cheers on the heads up for the driver! seems every new nvidia driver has its issues these days!
Have you had any luck getting baked AS rigs into UE? I’ve been having nothing but problems as I’ve illustrated here:
Unfortunately not… but probably only because I use my own custom rig solutions and never used AS seriously myself.
Let me have a look at your thread and see if I can help.