Transfer Spline Points Between Blueprints?

I have existing splines created using a blueprint and I’d like to use the spline point data in a new blueprint. Anyone have any advice?



You can also write a BP to copy the point data from the other.


This is what I’d like to know how to do.

If the original BP is ‘SplineBP’, then in a new BP, we can use a reference and copy the data out

This only does relative location, but of course you can copy the whole transform.

But why bother? :slight_smile:

Any idea why mine isn’t working?


Updated code ( tested this time ).

copy spline

That works! Any way to store the spline points so that I can delete the originals?

Store them for how long?

What originals, the ones in the other BP?

Saving the level will store everything, of course.

Actually as long as I keep it in a function (instead of on the construction script) it retains the spline points. Thanks for the help @ClockworkOcean ! Here’s my final blueprint:


Lovely :slight_smile:

I’ve copied your code and am running it in a Fn on the CS but I could only get the changes to save if I set ‘Override Construction Script’ = ON on the details panel for the spline component in level. If I ever uncheck this, it reverts back to default.

Hello where to put these codes? create a new BP or level blueprint?

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New BP. It’s the one with the spline in :slight_smile:

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i also tried it , it is not permanent, when i edit or change something, it reverts back to original shape. is there any way to make these points identical, i mean like normal spline actor.