Transfer Spline Points Between Blueprints?

I have existing splines created using a blueprint and I’d like to use the spline point data in a new blueprint. Anyone have any advice?



You can also write a BP to copy the point data from the other.


This is what I’d like to know how to do.

If the original BP is ‘SplineBP’, then in a new BP, we can use a reference and copy the data out

This only does relative location, but of course you can copy the whole transform.

But why bother? :slight_smile:

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Any idea why mine isn’t working?


Updated code ( tested this time ).

copy spline

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That works! Any way to store the spline points so that I can delete the originals?

Store them for how long?

What originals, the ones in the other BP?

Saving the level will store everything, of course.

Actually as long as I keep it in a function (instead of on the construction script) it retains the spline points. Thanks for the help @ClockworkOcean ! Here’s my final blueprint:


Lovely :slight_smile:

I’ve copied your code and am running it in a Fn on the CS but I could only get the changes to save if I set ‘Override Construction Script’ = ON on the details panel for the spline component in level. If I ever uncheck this, it reverts back to default.

Hello where to put these codes? create a new BP or level blueprint?

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New BP. It’s the one with the spline in :slight_smile:

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i also tried it , it is not permanent, when i edit or change something, it reverts back to original shape. is there any way to make these points identical, i mean like normal spline actor.

I know it is already solved, but in case somebody needs it I created a python script to copy the spline points. you just have to specify the names and run it inside the level

import unreal

editor_actor_subsystem = unreal.get_editor_subsystem(unreal.EditorActorSubsystem)

source_bp_actor = None
destination_bp_actor = None

all_actors = editor_actor_subsystem.get_all_level_actors()

for actor in all_actors:
    if actor.get_actor_label() == "BP_Spline_Source_Name":
        source_bp_actor = actor

    if actor.get_actor_label() == "BP_Spline_Destination_Name":
        destination_bp_actor = actor

source_spline = None
destination_spline = None

source_components = source_bp_actor.get_components_by_class(unreal.SplineComponent)
if source_components:
    source_spline = source_components[0]

destination_components = destination_bp_actor.get_components_by_class(unreal.SplineComponent)
if destination_components:
    destination_spline = destination_components[0]

# Clear existing points in the destination spline

# Iterate over the points in the source spline and add them to the destination spline
num_points = source_spline.get_number_of_spline_points()
for i in range(num_points):
    # Get the point's position, tangent, rotation, scale and type
    location = source_spline.get_location_at_spline_point(i, unreal.SplineCoordinateSpace.LOCAL)
    tangent = source_spline.get_arrive_tangent_at_spline_point(i, unreal.SplineCoordinateSpace.LOCAL)
    rotation = source_spline.get_rotation_at_spline_point(i, unreal.SplineCoordinateSpace.LOCAL)
    scale = source_spline.get_scale_at_spline_point(i)
    point_type = source_spline.get_spline_point_type(i)
    # Add a spline point at the location and immediately update the spline
    destination_spline.add_spline_point_at_index(location, i, unreal.SplineCoordinateSpace.LOCAL, update_spline=True)
    destination_spline.set_tangent_at_spline_point(i, tangent, unreal.SplineCoordinateSpace.LOCAL)
    destination_spline.set_rotation_at_spline_point(i, rotation, unreal.SplineCoordinateSpace.LOCAL)
    destination_spline.set_scale_at_spline_point(i, scale)
    destination_spline.set_spline_point_type(i, point_type, update_spline=True)

unreal.EditorUtilityLibrary().set_actor_property(destination_bp_actor, "Modify", True)

If the points disappear when you move it just select all of them and save the level.


Hey this Python script is exactly what I’m looking for, but when I run it I get an error:

AttributeError: 'EditorUtilityLibrary' object has no attribute 'set_actor_property'

Any idea why that would be?

EDIT: Nevermind, it seems like it worked despite the error. Awesome script!

This is awesome. However it doesn’t seem to be copying the tangents. Any idea why that would be? Thanks!

Why do you set the spline tangents apart?
This is my solution (more compact):