Training Stream - Using Material Effects - June 23rd @ 2PM ET

Senior Developer Relations Technical Artist will show us how to use displacement and tessellation in Materials as well as discuss implementing explosions! Another must see for the tech artists out there.

Tuesday, June 23 @ 2PM EST - Countdown]



  • Sr Developer Relations Technical Artist

Feel free to ask any questions on the topic in the thread below, and remember, while we try to give attention to all inquiries, it’s not always possible to answer’s questions as they come up. This is especially true for off-topic requests, as it’s rather likely that we don’t have the appropriate person around to answer. Thanks for understanding!

Edit: The YouTube archive is now available here](Using Material Effects | Live Training | Unreal Engine - YouTube)

after reading all of your post, , all I can see is ‘Explosions’ !!!

are there anymore words in your post? can anyone see them? :cool:

Mr. Torgue asks “Did you say EXPLOSIONS?”

Very interested in this!

how to create blinking effect like a old TV?

How would you go about creating a shader with displacement that can be displaced by other objects? Example, the player creating footprints in the snow/.

Will the explosion part also include how a similar effect like in the Infiltrator demo can be made? Otherwise, that would be my question: what is the process to render a fluid simulation in Max/Maya in slices, and bring that into Unreal as a (fake) volumetric effect? This doesn’t necessarily apply to explosions in my case, but other localized fluid effects (hint: it has something to do with my username ;)).

how would you go about creating a faked dynamic param for GPU particle materials in explosion fx since dynamic isn’t supported?

Awesome, Material Effects please keep doing these streams!


one of the best streams Ever! thx all :wink:

I missed the stream\and cant seem to find the video, any you guys are throwing it up on youtube?

It can be found on twitch here:

The youtube video should be up soon.

I hope that help!