Training Stream - Making Game Ready AI, Part 1 - Oct 20th, 2015

What is the correct location for this? I’m stuck…

If you look under the area that I marked, there is a tab that says “EQS”. Expand that tab.

Thanks - finally figured it out! Now my ‘guy’ runs to the barrel when he’s hungry…but just stands there until he dies! LOL

Problem: my AI’s stamina isn’t restored when my AI is hungry and looks for food…

  1. When my AI is NOT hungry, and goes close to a barrel, the BaseFood class event overlap works and the stamina is increased

LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AIS_Character_2] 47.5
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AIS_Character_2] 45.0
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AIS_Character_2] 42.5
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [BaseFoodCLass5] 67.5
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [BaseFoodCLass5] stamina added…
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AIS_Character_2] 65.0
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AIS_Character_2] 62.5

  1. When my AI IS hungry, and goes close to a barrel, the BaseFood class event overlap DOES NOT add stamina

LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AIS_Character_2] ** Owey! **
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AIS_Character_2] 40.0
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AIS_Character_2] Lower Health
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [Service_StamCheck_C_0] Now I’m tired…
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AIS_Character_2] ** Owey! **
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AIS_Character_2] 30.0
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AIS_Character_2] Lower Health
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [Service_StamCheck_C_0] Now I’m tired…
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AIS_Character_2] ** Owey! **
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AIS_Character_2] 20.0
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AIS_Character_2] Lower Health
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AIS_Character_2] ** Owey! **
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AIS_Character_2] 10.0
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AIS_Character_2] Lower Health
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [Service_StamCheck_C_0] Now I’m tired…

  1. I increased the damage that occurs (when stamina <= 0) and once the character dies THEN stamina is increased and the barrel is destoyed…LOL

LogBlueprintUserMessages: [Service_StamCheck_C_0] Now I’m tired…
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AIS_Character_2] ** Owey! **
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [AIS_Character_2] I’M DEAD!
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [BaseFoodCLass3] 25.0
LogBlueprintUserMessages: [BaseFoodCLass3] stamina added…

… too little, too late…

Where should I look to solve this? I’ve examined every variable and event!

it says accessed none ‘stored pawn’ from node

I don’t understand your note. What are you talking about and why is it important? - Like, what says it, and why is accessed none important? I don’t understand what you mean

right sory around the 20 minute mark if i try to run an error comes up saying that stored pawn returns none even though i set it to my AIS_PlayerPawn

never mind i fixed it

i had the same problem use 4.9.2

So. This bugged out - using 4.12.5 and noticed that does nothing to resolve StoredPawn before compiling. What got missed?

nvm - got it - the attachments go on the pawn not the controller and after 10x re-attempts the controller finally compiled ok. 2.5hrs for a missed comment that I should’ve checked in the first 10 minutes.

Aaand 20 mins into the first vid and stalled - I have an avatar and no arrows, WASD doesn’t work, but right mouse drag does work. The inputs, gets, and sets have all been replaced and recompiled successfully.

Could it be 4.12.5 that’s dicking me around?

Restarting with 4.9.2 . . .

Hey Its somehow doesnt work for me… Im using UE 4.15

please update the blueprints , not working with 4.15, resulting in crash

I’m using 4.15 and it just crashes the editor every time. Please fix asap

Some items, like SetWorldRotation, don’t seem to exist in the 4.15.1 Event graph. When you paste in the complete sample for controller, it crashes the entire editor, most likely because of these ‘deprecated’ functions. Could you supply a mapping of what these old items should be in the newer version? I wouldn’t mind creating them and pasting a link to them here so can move forward. I will try to do so myself anyway and still post it. Once I do, the experts can look at it and scream - ‘WHY did you do it that way??’ then we can fix and add some value and relevance to this tutorial again. I love the approach they use, even if I have to guess at some of the things they are discussing/affecting because it’s not visible to the watcher of the video! lol

For example, here is my PlayerController Event Graph version for 4.15.1:

I just updated this to fix mouse X & Y on Apr 6th 2017 but left mouse button still doesn’t affect rotation.

All - better; In my Player Pawn, my Spring arm was attached to my camera, instead of the other way around. These blueprints work!

And here is my UE 4.15.1 Player Pawn BP Event Graph for this tutorial:

Legend! Thank you so much for making the effort to do this!