Training Livestream - Understanding Replication in UE4 - March 21 - Live from Epic HQ

Mind if I redo this tutorial the way I do what was show here? Mine will prolly take a bit longer to do but we should get some better results.

Tune in and we will do it live! 4/3/17 at 11:30am eastern time zone! This will be free for all to tune in, and will have access to the archive after stream is over, if you like what you see feel free to join my patreon page!

I am just not satisfied with the way they did it is all, and trying to help some others understand replication better, cause its hard!

No Success

And since it was an epic fail…try the one that I give my patreons that was not an epic fail >>

[MENTION=8] [/MENTION] Please could you take a screenshot of all the fog and directional light settings for the volumetric fog used in the paragon map? I would like to know what was used to get the same effect as my map doesnt seem to have an intense volemetric fog effect.

I have problems too. Can anyone suggest me what has changed & where to learn new 4.16 API?

I have written this code in 4.13 engine & it works. But it doesn’t work now

Things like

UShapeComponent* Shape = CreateDefaultSubobject<UBoxComponent>(TEXT("Box")); 

throws errors