Trail Material

Hey guys,

Can anyone point me in the right direction to learn how to reproduce the trail effect seen here:


(Trail effect is in red)

That could be done using particle effects. The ContentExamples has an example of a trailing particle that you could look at.

Either you could use a plane with such a material on it + rotate it when the player attacks, or, as mentioned, use a particle system -> just spawn it when the player attacks :slight_smile:

I have the particle system method working, it’s just the look of the trail that I need help with. In that video it looks fitting, natural. Mine looks no where near that.

How would the plane method work? I was using the Infinity blade trails in the whirlwind section.

e.g the red part in the video could just be a texture in a material that uses emissive and transparency + placed on a plane + moved left and right -> you wont get such a good result as with particle systems, but it’s a really fast and easy way :smiley: