Example: actor 1 button A
actor 2 button B
I hit A then B to swap place between actor 1 and 2
this is a prototype i hope to be able afer to do it with the mouse but for now button is ok
thx for ur time
Example: actor 1 button A
actor 2 button B
I hit A then B to swap place between actor 1 and 2
this is a prototype i hope to be able afer to do it with the mouse but for now button is ok
thx for ur time
I guess both actors are based on the same class/logic. So if that is the case, you can simply add a bool to the class, name it “isA” for example.
If it is true, it means it is responsive to button A
If it is false, it means it is responsive to button B
Now, you add the button A and button B logic to both actors (whatever going to happen when the button pressed), and add an if (branch node) that detect the current case (isA true or false), and based on that button A or B will work. But don’t forget, but the end of the logic of the buttons, you have to revert the value of “isA”
If it is not clear, let me know, I can draft a quick blueprint for ya.
thx for your answer and yeah a blueprint will be great cause i tried without a good result T_T
nice don’t forget to archive the question by marking the answer.
ok i will wait for ur bp ty