Tracking Movement Modifier

How would I go about keeping track of how long ago a slow or speed boost was added to the player.
For example if I slow the player after getting hit with an ice ability, I need it to remove the slow after 2 seconds but its stacking so it only needs to remove the first hit.

Or if a slow and speed boost are both applied at the same time but the speed boost runs out first, the player needs to be slowed instead of clearing all speed modifiers.

Hello RedStoneTorch, Cool question.

I’d check out the timers system.

For something a bit more straight-forward, the ‘Get Game Time in Seconds’ node returns how long the game has been running, it’s possible to capture this (SET into variable), and then query that variable+compare it to the current time to see how long of a time period has elapsed.

Penalty Time Management

Penalty Timer and Reset

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