Tracking Kills for each Player with Verse and Tracking_device

Hello, I’m new here and I’m currently working on coding a script that tracks each player’s kills and sets a target kill count (so I can award XP). Once a player reaches this specific number of kills, the target increases to a higher value. I’ve managed to count each player’s kills and also increase the target kill count once a player reaches the initial target. However, when I play with another person and that person reaches the target kill count, the kills are tracked separately, which is fine. But when the other player reaches the target, the new target is increased for all players, not just for the one who achieved it.

So my question is, how can I increase the target only for the individual player who reaches the required amount?

Here ist the code:

using { / }
using { / }
using { / }
using { / }

test_verse := class(creative_device):

    MyTrackerDevice:tracker_device = tracker_device{}
    @editable var Zielanzahl:int = 5


        for. Player : (GetPlayspace().GetPlayers())
            if(Agent : agent = agent[Player]):
                TargetValue := MyTrackerDevice.GetValue(Agent)

        Print("Ziel des Tracker-Geräts abgeschlossen.")
        set Zielanzahl = Zielanzahl + 13
        Print("Neues Ziel gesetzt: {Zielanzahl}")

Btw: “Zielanzahl” means Target amount

You can’t use SetTarget() for this, as it’s not changing the target per player