Trackers don't repopulate

My Fallout Adventure map currently has 31 trackers attached to 31 challenges. The game starts with 4 trackers as it should. Once a couple are completed, it never re-populates. I would like to have 4 trackers at all times. Any help would be appreciated.

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How are the 4 set up, what functions and events are you using ?
Do you need them to restartwhen complete or do you want them to assign another trigger ?

The first 4 trackers are set to start at the beginning of the game.

  1. 2 minutes played
  2. 10 eliminations
  3. Distance traveled 1,000.
  4. Collect 1 coin.
    I would like them to assign another trigger. I have them set up so when one is finished the next should start. That just does not work. Not sure what I have set up incorrectly.
    For example. When the 2 minutes played is complete, it should go to 5 minutes played. or
    After 10 eliminations it should go to 50.
    Instead, they just disappear. They still work in the background and will show up completed on the challenge board.

Maybe you could post a pic of the trackers settings, perhaps the 2 min tracker and the one that is mean’t to follow.
we should be able to find out whats going on.

The assign function of the next tracker to start, should work with the completion event of the tracker that comes before it. But I assume your already doing that, otherwise they wouldn’t show up as completed on your challenge board.

It could be a case of not showing up on HUD when active…


You pointed me in the right direction. I had a couple issues that broke the trackers.

  1. After you recommended taking pictures of the 2 minute tracker, I started to take a picture and noticed something. I realized the function was not forcing the next tracker to assign when the 2 minute tracker was complete. This fixed the 2 minute tracker issue.
    Now for the main issue that broke the trackers…
  2. All my “Large Coin” trackers were set to “Assign on game start” = yes. Once I set this to = no it instantly resolved ALL of my trackers in the entire game!

Now the trackers work EXACTLY as I intended! When the game starts, 4 trackers are on the upper left. As they are completed, another tracker takes its place. This will be a huge improvement for this map.
I will set your reply as the solution and make sure you get the credit. Thank you for your help! :grinning:

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Glad you got it going,
Fallout inspired…sounds really cool, can’t wait to check out your map !!

I’ll see your showcase when its done :smiley:

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