Track frame progress in Python MoviePipelinePythonHostExecutor

Hi there.

I’m currently looking for a way to report progress from a custom MoviePipelineExecutor.
Especially spawned PIEExecutors.

I’m working on a renderfarm executor that works in editor mode (due to object IDs and some custom stuff).
I was taking the approach from the example Deadline plugin as that seamed like a reasonable way to start off.
So I implemented my custom Executor in which I spawn PIEExecutors to render my queue. (Actually one job per queue). Rendering is fine, on_finished delegates are working and everything is fine but the progress for the single job.

Seems like MoviePipelineLibrary’s get_completion_percentage would be the way to go but it seems that’s only feasible when rendering in -game mode. At least in my tests, Unreal threw errors when I tried to provide a loaded world.

edit: I’m using UnrealEditor-CMD which is launched with a python script to kick off the rendering.

So, is there any solution to get the progress from a PIEExecutor or should I take another, completely different approach?

The docs aren’t really helpful for this topic.

Appreciate any help on this!