I have strange problem with changing world hit point to local hit point.
My 3D widget have size 3360x1680 and I have many of them placed around me in the circle, so every one have different Y rotation.
I’m tried different solution to translate world to local hit position, but every one work bad or partially bad.
“Inverse Transform Location” node work horribly. According to widget rotation sometimes local X position represent X and sometimes Y, but always is not centered. For example max left position of widget trace give me -1870 and max right give me 1490 (InversTransformLocation X represent local X). In other 3D widget rotation max left trace position give me -202 and max right give me 3158 (InverseTransformLocation Y represent local X). And so on…
So “Inverse Transform Location” node is completely useless, because I don’t have values always X represent X and Y represent Y, an position is not center, so I never know where is the right position.
And the last bad things abount “Inverse Transform Location” node is for some 3D widget rotation (X=0 Y=-46,90, Z=0) X or Y don’t have enaugh units for represent local X position. Max left trace X position is -190 and max right is -2622 (so only 2432 units) and max left trace Y position is 1886 and max right is -383 (os only 2269 units).
When I’m counting vector manually:
Hit Result Location - Widget World Location
According to widget rotation sometimes world X represent local X, sometimes world Y represent local X, sometimes world Y represent local X, sometimes world Y represent local Y and sometimes world Z represent local Y.
Of course I can use conditions in widget rotation to use it. Unfortunately specific widget rotation X=0, Y=-46,90, Z=0, in this manually transformation I have result non centered
Other manual counting:
Rotate hit result location thru 3D Widget InvertRotator gives me uncentered X position for widget specific rotation X=0, Y=-46,90, Z=0.
What I’m doing wrong ? Maybe I miss some node ? Or doing it completely wrong ?
Please help me transform World Hit Result Position to Local Widget Position.