So I’m trying to understand trace channels but they’re extremely confusing because of how they work. For example, I have a Visibility Trace Channel set to fire from my character to a distance 1000m away on the click on a left mouse button. It works as it does, any actor that has it’s Trace Response of Visiblity set to “Block”, blocks it, and any actor that has the trace response of visilibty to “Ignore”, ignores it. But it works very weird for Pawns. I have another character BP in the level, I have it’s Capsule Collision component’s trace response of Visibiblity set to “Ignore” and it’s mesh’s response also “Ignore” and those two are the only components, but my trace still hits the character?
Not sure why your trace colllisions aren’t working. :S
HOWEVER… You could make an array of actors to ignore, and plug it into the “Actors To Ignore” array pin on the “Line Trace By Channel” node.
Failing that you could call a branch with a condition when the raycast is called to determine what should happen. (See my example below, the condition for mine is “Is Child Of”, this means if my raycast hits one type of item, it picks it up, if it hits another type, it interacts (for such things as clicking on a fire to cook food, etc)
Thanks for the answer. Although that method is probably what I’ll use, it still doesn’t explain why setting the trace collision to ‘ignore’ still causes the Visibility trace to hit them.