Toy Vehicle behaving too oddly with Chaos Vehicle System

Hello UE community, I need your help.

I’m trying to achieve an arcade-like driving toy vehicle, like a remoted controlled car. I’ve messed around with the settings and I managed to make it somehow driveable. The current problem is that it bounces a lot and it’s very hard for it to stay upside down. When he falls upside down, he jumps straight to the normal rotation. I’m not forcing it anywhere on my blueprints. The only logic I have is for engine sound, Inputs (throttle, brake and steer) and camera lag & fov.

You may also notice there’s a “Torque Combine (Power Cutting Fix)” function, but I am not currently using it anywhere.

I’ve attached a small showcase video, and prints from my vehicle settings. I also dropped a print of the collisions if that helps.

I can’t find too many documentation about the “Arcade Control” category so I’m leaving that aside for now, but if you have any experience with that, I would love to hear from you.

Thanks in advance for any help you guys can provide me!

Showcase video:

Vehicle Settings

FrontWheels Blueprint

RearWheels Blueprint

Physics Asset