So I’m new to UE4 and BP scripting.
I’m trying to make a Tower Defence game in 3D using blueprints.(even tho tower defenses are best in 2d yea ) .
I wanted to know if my current implementations in BPs is the correct way or if i can approach a better logic:
Tower placement
Using trace line with 2 types of towers, one transparent and the real one. Basically it spawns the transparent one where the trace line hits (collision to be handled here) and then at every x seconds (for example 0.05 seconds) updates its position using trace line from character camera. When pressing left click, it creates the real tower and destroys the transparent actor… -
AI movement
Created a navmesh, added Character blueprint for AI and using Simple move to actor/location from spot x to y. Current issue is that when they collide with anything, they stop moving completely. I suppose i need to create a behaviour tree ? (I’ll start reading some stuff for this)
3)Projectiles that are shot from the tower use the ‘Homing’ function of the projectile movement component, so that they will never miss their target. I suppose i should also put a tick function to the projectile in order to update its rotation so a arrow will always face the target.
I am not sure if this is the way i should approach this concepts, so any feedback is welcome. Thanks in advance and sorry for if i wasn’t clear enough!