Hello everybody,
First of all sorry if i posted in wrong section
It seems like I’m stuck again with my game at Winning Condition.I have an idea on how to make it work but i don’t know how to place it into UE…So my blueprint has to check if it’s the last wave of monsters and to count how many monsters are alive in level.If is the last wave of monsters and the monster number is <= 0 then it should print that text “You WON”. But obviously there’s something wrong and i can’t figure it out.
My wrong Win Condition :http://s9.postimg.org/ey1fm4xen/image.png
My wrong last wave setter: http://s21.postimg.org/40y3n3107/image.png
If you have some ideas on how to make this work, or fix my blueprint i would be really grateful, thank you!