Tower Defense Starter Kit

The v2.28 update has gone live on the Marketplace.

Change Log:

I. Made modifications to the Weapon System component to create a unified framework that works not just for Towers, but also the Friendly AI, Hero, & Enemy Units. This basically means that you can now create new custom weapon system components that should work with all of the above types of classes.

For example, I’ve created a very basic melee component that simply applies damage to the active target. Now all AI classes (both friendly & enemy) except the ranged unit use this component to attack their targets.

The new weapon system will make it easier to integrate the XP system used for leveling up Towers to be used by Hero units, which will be the main focus of the upcoming v2.29 update.

Bug Fixes:

I. Fixed a bug that prevented Hero units from responding to new player orders while it was already executing a player move order.

Upcoming Features:

  • XP system for Hero units to level up through combat
  • Option to customize Target Prioritization setting for Towers
  • Hero selection through the pre-mission Loadout Menu