Tower Defense Starter Kit

The v2.27 update has gone live on the Marketplace.

Change Log:

I. Moved the targeting logic for Towers into dedicated components that are automatically added based on the Weapon System used by the Tower. These components are responsible for both evaluating targets as well as controlling when to start/stop firing the Tower weapon systems. The new targeting systems are categorized into:

  • BPC_TargetingSystem_SingleTargetLockOn: Locks on to a single target and keeps checking for valid firing trajectories towards the target until it either goes out of range or is destroyed.
    Activates the weapon system when a new target has been locked onto and deactivates it when a lockon target becomes invalid.
    [Used by Laser Tower, MachineGun Tower, Sniper Tower, Artillery Tower, & Tesla Tower]

  • BPC_TargetingSystem_MultiTargetBasic: Keeps track of all targets in range.
    Activates the weapon system once a single target is in range and deactivates it once no targets are in range.
    [Used by Shockwave Tower]

  • BPC_TargetingSystem_SingleTargetBasic: A Fire & Forget alternative to the lock on targeting system. Does not check for any firing trajectory toward the target.
    Activates the weapon system every time a new target is in range and deactivates it once no targets are in range.
    [Used by Boost Tower]

II. The Tower Weapon System component has been modified to make it easier to add new custom Towers. New functions and variables have been added to control the firing systems.

Adding custom firing solutions for your Towers now is as simple as creating a child component based on BPC_WeaponSystem, extending the FireAtTarget/FireAtTargets/StopFiring functions, and adding the new component to the Tower.

[With the Targeting & Weapon System components handling the bulk of Tower functionalities, creating your own Tower requires adding very little within the actual Tower blueprint itself, mostly restricted to implementing a couple of interface functions and adjusting the physical parameters of components.]

III. Created a new Function Library to handle all general targeting checks. These functions can be called from anywhere including non-Tower actors.

Additional Notes:
I’ll be posting a new Tutorial soon to explain how you can create your own custom Towers in this latest version of the toolkit.

Upcoming Features:

  • XP system for Hero units to level up through combat
  • Option to customize Target Prioritization setting for Towers
  • Hero selection through the pre-mission Loadout Menu