Tower Defense Starter Kit

The v2.23 update has gone live on the Marketplace.

Change Log:

I. Added a dedicated Weapon System component to be used as a base template for creating firing solutions when designing new Towers.

You can now create a new child class derived from BPC_WeaponSystem and override the “Fire” event with logic for your new weapon fire system. Shown below is an example of how its implemented in the Machine Gun Tower weapon component:

II. The Tower stats variables have been moved to their dedicated components with the HP stats now part of the BPC_Hitpoints component and the damage/range stats moved to the new BPC_WeaponSystem component.

The Tower stats are still defined in the DT_TowerData data table, but the components are responsible for retrieving those stats during their initialization.

III. Added Stat Modifiers for Weapon & HP stats to support buffs/debuffs at runtime. The stat modifiers are currently being used by the Boost Tower to boost the damage output stat of nearby towers as well as by the XP system to permanently increase the health and damage output of Towers as they gain experience and level up.

In order to accommodate the use of stat modifiers, both HP and Weapon stats are now divided into Base Stats (which always retain the original value unless it receives a permanent stat boost) and Current Stats (the value after applying stat modifiers to base stats and used for most calculations).

IV. Replaced the slow and temporary Repair tower ability (the AoE Global Ability Regen Field already fills that purpose now) with an instantaneous Repair function that is available for all Towers. The cost of the Repair function will depend on the amount of damage incurred by the Tower and the button itself will be enabled only when the Tower is damaged.

V. Added Button Position Angle variables to configure the position of the various buttons displayed when interacting with a Tower. The Recycle and Repair button positions are defined by a single angular value each, whereas the Upgrade and Ability button positions, due to the possibility of there being multiple options, are specified using an angular range.

Upcoming Features:

  • Option to customize Target Prioritization setting for Towers
  • XP system for Hero units to level up through combat
  • Hero selection through the pre-mission Loadout Menu