So, I have this issue:
Can somebody help?
So, I have this issue:
Can somebody help?
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Someone Can Help?
Sadly, I never had this issue before and I can only think it must be code related. Can you give us a hint how you produced the problem, or even show the part of code about Input? <3
I used BluePrints.
The phirst part is just a bunch of buttons added to the viewport:
The second:
The character BluePrints:
And the widget BluePrints:
I think that’s what you asked for. Right?
I think this is a Multitouch only issue. From my understandings, UMG should only allow 1 mouse click and only if you release your mouse, you can go for another mouse click. I can imagine when you press and hold your second finger, you are actually making another mouse input on the same spot you pressed before. If you release the code is executed, but you are still holding it at the same time.
*Also the video is kinda painful to watch At 25 sec I don’t know if you press before/after/simultaneously releasing the first finger. I only see black sticks and the video gives no information when you actually press <3.
**Still thinking about a fix
I know, the video is painful to watch, this was just a video with a quick editing just to make you understand the problem. It was dificult to get a editor
I press after releasing the first finger.
But yea, I also think that is a Multitouch issue.
I think there was a setting where you disabled mouse input/clicks, but I’m not sure where I found it. Something about IsFocusAble and touch method.