I have a touch and drag input. If you touch and drag beyond the bounds of the touch screen, it does not act as though InputTouch has been Released. Instead it remains Pressed. In order to get the Released to fire, you have to tap the screen again!
Maybe this is just a bug, I don’t want to have to do resolution checks and always cause the very edge of the touch screen to fire “Released” (unless that is standard practice). That seems like it could frustrate the user. Is there a better way to fix this? Is this just a bug?
Are you testing that on actual touchscreen device or in-editor on PC?
If you slide your finger outside the screen it should receive release event, because OS can’t see the finger on the screen anymore. It’s not like you could “move cursor” out of screen bounds on touchscreen device.
This is occurring on my Android touchscreen device (Nexus 7) and Mobile Preview. I can drag beyond the screen bounds and it never fires a ‘Released’ input. I would agree with you that I would fully expect it to consider the finger ‘Released’ as soon as it can no longer detect that it is being touched.
Could be a bug. A quick workaround would be a collision volume that mounts to the camera and ends at the screen edge and triggers the on release when you reach it.
Hey thanks for the feedback, that solution was part of my original comment, I want to avoid doing that if possible and make sure that the user truly releases touch or is truly no longer touching the screen. Seems like the user could get close to touching the edge of the screen and it would fire Released without actually Releasing your touch.
This definitely seems more like a bug since it is never registering that the user’s finger is no longer touching the screen. I will also post this question to bugs.
I used an Event End Input Touch and an End Touch Leave as you suggested, and they seem to trigger when I rapidly drag my finger off the touch screen so I tied them into the same event as the Released on my InputTouch. That seems to have stopped the issue? I will keep my fingers crossed and I’ve only been able to test this on the one device Thanks for the suggestions Zielak