I have this message that appeared from nowhere. Its on all my maps and Ive disabled all screen messages etc, but after packing the game its appears in the packed full version of the game and I cannot disable it? Any ideas?
If you’re getting screen messages, it probably means you can also open the console, which means it’s a dev package and not distribution.
There is a problem with 5 at the moment, where it packages for dev even when you say ‘distribution’.
The way around this is to package with the project launcher, which is on the tools menu.
You have to configure in the launcher, and package from the launcher
Ahhhh got it, thank you so much. But still it was a message I did not have before, what does it still mean? As I learn stuff its cool to know what caused it in the first place.
What does the actual message say? Just ‘screen message’?
Omg so sorry I did not see your reply! Thank you for responding! Yes I still have the same issue but continued to build my project regardless of the message hoping it isn’t in the final build.
It says in the top left hand side corner, “Total number of presets: 9”
That’s it, there is no information on this and it wont go away.
(Where I describe screen message is that it is a message, not text. Sorry about any confusion.)
Sounds like a debug message.
You might try searching in blueprints with the binoculars ( which searches all BPs )
Thank you to all who replied. I found the error and it was to do with the character selection screen. The skeletal mesh I was using had a bug of some kind and when used it gave out that error message but worked flawlessly. I simply changed to another character/skeletal mesh and now the message has disappeared. So weird that there was nothing on this topic? Anyhow… SOLVED!
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