在 EULA 里面提到:
“Marketplace” means the Unreal® Engine digital marketplace or other Unreal® Engine learning resource maintained by Epic or its affiliates, through which, among other things, Epic makes certain Content and Engine Code available for use under the License.
以及在 Seller FAQ 里提到:
Can users modify, resell or transfer content once they purchase it?
Users are free to modify any content they purchase from the Marketplace.
All items sold are non-transferable, and users cannot sub-license the content for further redistribution, whether or not they have modified it. Users cannot buy your content and then distribute it to other developers to use in other projects, for example by listing it on the Marketplace or another store themselves.
楼上的回答恐怕不准确,禁止的应该是素材的转卖,同样来自 FAQ。
What can users do with my content once they purchase and download it?
All content sold on the Marketplace is licensed to the buyer (who may be either an individual or company) for the lifetime right to use the content in developing an unlimited number of products and in shipping those products. The buyer is also licensed to make the content available to employees and contractors for the sole purpose of contributing to products controlled by the buyer.
Each such product built using content purchased on the Marketplace must be a standalone creative work (such a game, simulation, or video) in which content is merely a component and not the primary focus. For example, it may not be a content pack for distribution to engine users.
官方素材在 EULA 里面提到了属于 Marketplace 的内容,应该没有异议。只是 marketplace 的内容(content)无论是购买获得的,还是免费获得的,有的地方写到了是不可以再次授权的。但是不是可以直接销售,这里有点模糊……所以暂时无法给楼上明确的说法……请等我下周确认一下。
这里我理解是说不可以把你购买的东西重新向别人进行授权,以供别人来发行。这里的发行并不特指 Unreal 的商城。比如你买了一组动画,你不可以把这组动画授权给另外一个游戏公司的游戏产品,那个游戏公司的产品再进行商业发布。因为这里可能会导致你对多个游戏公司的多个产品进行再授权,这是不允许的。然后如果你用于自己的游戏,我暂时不是很肯定。
根据这里的说法,是可以使用在 marketplace 里面购买的 content 用于自己的游戏产品(一个或多个)开发的内容来使用。这里的限制是必须用于一个单独的创新产品(游戏,模拟或视频),并且购买的 content 不可以是这个产品的主要组成部分。
谢谢 fengkan 指出这条。
1)Epic 在 marketplace 上的内容,只能用于 UE4 的项目。非 Epic 的内容如果购买的话,如果需要的话可以导出给其他引擎使用