
I understand the frustration of many mobile game developer that uses UE4 with the lack of tutorials in the particular platform; Android & iOS. I experienced it myself in the first 6 months of using UE4.

However, as I learn more and got very comfortable using UE4 for mobile development, and did two self publishing- two on Android and one in iOS, I think I can start to give out a proper tutorials on this matter, BUT after I finished my current project for iOS which is due to release next month.

I’ve planned quite a few tutorials from basic to advance, Google Play Setup, lighting, shadow, optimizations etc. and these tutorials will be published on my site somewhere in mid April, I hope.

So for those who are willing to wait, just hold on a bit :slight_smile:

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Willing to wait. Sounds terrific!

As a self though wanna be gamedev, I went through hell until I got my app published on google play.

The info is all there on the internetz, but to find it and then to put it together is a real challenge.

Now I have a little less hair, but a little happier.

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