

I’ve created a Save Game blueprint in the Content Browser and added a vector variable (Player Position) - it will store player location:

I am going to save my game by right clicking the mouse and load it with a space bar. This script is the player blueprint.

Saving with right click:

  • when the player clicks, we check if the save game object already exists; if it does not, we create one
  • we also reference it using a variable (you can right click Return Value and Promote to Variable)
  • we then access the Player Position variable in the save game object and set its value to the player’s current location
  • we then save the game to hard drive and print a message


  • when space bar is pressed, we check if there is a save game with the name we want to load
  • if there is, we load it
  • we need to ensure it’s of the same type as the save games we are using; we cast and store the object’s reference in a variable
  • we then read the player position and set the player’s location to its value
  • we print a confirmation

See if this helps, and if you have any questions, do ask!

Image from Gyazo


