
有問了Staff, 但是我英文不是很好,


ps. 在ex裡的是真的手機,不是遊戲裡的手機。


I don’t know if I understand your question; I don’t think I understand all of it. But I’ll say this:

You can buy items on the Marketplace and use them with UE4 for your product.

If you use UE4 to make an advertisement for another product, like a YouTube movie or something like that, there are no UE4 royalties owed on the product that is being advertised.

IloveUE4 gravatar image IloveUE4 2 days ago
so, i use UE4 make an advertisement for product, like phone, car, tv, notebook or others… need to pay 5% or not? ex: i use UE4 make an advertisement for phone, if the phone MSRP=100, but onsale price=80, i need to pay 5% or not on phone?

Canon Pence gravatar image Canon Pence STAFF 2 days ago Newest
In that case, there wouldn’t be a royalty for the sale of the phone.
