
我在项目中用Slate 创建了一个SWindow.用的 SNew(SWindow).

	CreatedWidget = CreateWidget(GetWorld(), WidgetType);
	TSharedPtr<SWidget> SlateWidget = CreatedWidget->TakeWidget();




Ensure condition failed: GExitPurge || !IsGarbageCollecting() [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\UMG\Private\Slate\SObjectWidget.cpp] [Line: 43] 
SObjectWidget for 'WBP_Test_C /Engine/Transient.UnrealEdEngine_0:GameInstance_0.WBP_Test_C_0' destroyed while collecting garbage.  This can lead to multiple GCs being required to cleanup the object.  Possible causes might be,
1) ReleaseSlateResources not being implemented for the owner of this pointer.
2) You may just be holding onto some slate pointers on an actor that don't get reset until the actor is Garbage Collected.  You should avoid doing this, and instead reset those references when the actor is Destroyed.
[2024-03-28T03:10:28.925Z]LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: GExitPurge || !IsGarbageCollecting() [File:D:\build\++UE5\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\UMG\Private\Slate\SObjectWidget.cpp] [Line: 43] 
SObjectWidget for 'WBP_Test_C /Engine/Transient.UnrealEdEngine_0:GameInstance_0.WBP_Test_C_0' destroyed while collecting garbage.  This can lead to multiple GCs being required to cleanup the object.  Possible causes might be,
1) ReleaseSlateResources not being implemented for the owner of this pointer.
2) You may just be holding onto some slate pointers on an actor that don't get reset until the actor is Garbage Collected.  You should avoid doing this, and instead reset those references when the actor is Destroyed.
