TopDown Template is not Network ready, because of no NavigationSystem in client side.
When client side call SimpleMoveToLocation, it will be return after getting nullptr NavigationSystem.
So it will do nothing when click floor in client side.
Also, I can use RPC to let SimpleMoveToLocation excuted in Server Side, but I think this will cause Player feel very lag.
I set option AllowClientSideNavigation to true. (In Project Settings, Navigation System Tab)
And then set the CharacterMovementComponent’s bUseAccelerationForPaths to true.
Then I finally got the character move just like it in third-person shooter game.
Note that client-side movement will open your game to possible cheating more than if you use server-side movement.
While there may be some lag in a server round-trip, a top-down game is typically the kind of game that can actually live with the lag!
I highly recommend you try to put all the authority for movement and other actions on the server if at all possible, if you’re building a game that will be published to normal people on the internet.
(Internal experiences, training simulators, and such, may not have those problems. Then again, they may, too.)