So ive been following a awesome tutorial series here for RTS in UE4… he using 4.9
(timecode 26:13)
He chooses TopDown_AnimBP for his mesh… i have seen this and done the same in the past… as of now
ANY new template only comes with ThirdPerson_AnimBP ?? WHY and when did it change… i cant seem to figuer out why this would be magically replaced as the otherversion worked fine…
Any ideas … any info from me needed?
ps i reinstalled the 5.8 gig UE4 again to see if it was a templater replacement issue or something i had done…
Nothing there
Just did some research and it used to be here…
I6. n the Details panel, find the Animation category and assign the ThirdPerson_AnimBP (used to be named TopDOwn_AnimBP) to the Animation Blueprint Generated Class property.
Changing such random things to elimnate size of downloads i assum is killing peoples tutorials by these version… im not sure now what i have todo to make this or what else has been removed (ie the animations for it etc)… Arggg…
I reinstalled 4.9 after deleting everything… NOT the SAME as it was WHEN i got it earlier this year…!!!
Odd now when i reinstall 4.8 the folder structure and the TopDown files are they way they was when you First put out 4.9… thanks for the INSTALLER change… SOoo much to contend with on this engine…
Are we still in Beta for EVERYTHING… Tutorial updates… Engine Updates… Informing These Kinda of Changes…
id move to 4.11 if the teaching platform wasnt for previous versions… even as old as 4.8 and beyond…
(no offence to all those who placed hardwork into tutorials and assets for UE4…)