Hello @Viking0077. If you remember the tutorial videos I made concerning TPS implementation, then the last update already simplify the process described in the videos a lots. I moved the travelling functionality inside a separate ActorComponent and I removed all Casts to the Controller/Character.
In September/October, I’ll will work for a client, implementing my solution for his FPS game. I’ll take the opportunity to make an other update for the product and add a TPS and/or FPS Character template to the project.
Thanks…I’ll wait for the TPS update then;)
TopDown RPG Template is 30% off on the UE4 marketplace until 09/14/18 ! Don’t hesitate
Greetings **wolflow94, I recently purchased your topdown template. quick question concerning the how-to instructions. For creating a new player character when you say “Override the CharacterInMenu class” are you suggesting that I just copy your original CharacterInMenu class and change the mesh from their or edit the actual CharacterInMenu class? **
Thanks in advance
Hello @lordnovas . In programming, override means “create a child class”. So to override the **CharacterInMenu **class, right click on it and select “Create child blueprint”.
By the way, in the demo, **KnightCharacterInMenu **and **MagusCharacterInMenu **already inherit from the **CharacterInMenu **class. So you can copy those classes and rename them.
Any update on the FirstPerson and ThirdPerson cameras, thanks.
Hello @TheArtGuy . I’ll try to make it as a separate product which will focus on TPS/FPS. A kinds of Skyrim template ^^.
I’ll keep a lot of feature of this product in it (inventories, special damages,…), and add features which are more specific to FPS/TPS RPGs. Like a compass, maybe an other way to quickly equip weapon like a pie menu, a parry system,…
If you want to have a look at the next features I want to implement on this product you can find the roadmap here : Trello
The next big update will bring better spell system with more example, an inventory with slots of different sizes, a simple merchant and crafting system, the ability to quickly switch between two sets of weapons.
Thanks for the clarification. I naturally override my base classes in Java by use of the extend keyword, to create more specialized classes.(dunno why I did not think of that after reading your tutorial).
This product is 40% off during the UE4 marketplace Fall sale (until 11/27/18)
I have a discord for my UE4 assets don’t hesitate to join it : Wolflow's UE4 products
4.21 update coming?
I’m preparing a huge update. I’ll update to 4.21 when I’ll release it.
Showing you the progress of my upcoming update for my TopDown RPG Template on the UE4 marketplace.
post deleted
Hello, I bought your asset at a discount, very impressed! but I immediately ran into an inventory problem, it breaks if you repeatedly move objects intentionally, could this be due to the fact that I’m using the latest version of Unreal Engin 4?
Hello Everyone!
Please help me, I want to change the number of slots occupied in each item. For example: Sword w2/h3, shield w2/h2…
Where i can change it?