Topdown game vertical look

Hallo there,

Im working on a Topdowngame and i was wondering if anyone knows a way enable a character to look up or down depending on the surface where they are standing on. For example when my character is moveing up of down stairs i want him to aim up or down so when enemies come you can shoot them.

I added a picture as example.

P.s Sorry for my bad english.

Edit: Added a new example

Perhaps IK is the answer you are looking for - I saw this posted on twitter a few days ago and it seems to be a plugin that will be released soon -

Thanks for the fast answer but its not what i mean. I found a video where some did what i want in Unity.

Video: Pistol Animset Pro - Top Down shooter controller - YouTube between 0:20-0:26.
The characters upper body looks up while moveing up.