Top Down Stealth Toolkit

Alright, so essentially we want to make sure that the Next Level button does not appear if the player hasn’t completed the required objectives, which in this example scenario means collecting all the gems.

For this, the first step would be to set the default Visibility of our new Next Level button to Hidden from the widget details panel. This way, if the game ends due to the player being caught by a guard, there is no option to move on to the next level.

With that taken care of, we can introduce additional logic into the Mission Summary blueprint to make the button visible if the player has successfully completed the objective. Fortunately, there is already a check in place just for that in order to handle the completion time and other text being displayed in the mission summary screen. We just need to add the logic for making the button visible here.

So head over to the DisplayMissionSummary function, and you’ll find the following branch condition:

In the True part of the execution after Branch, just add the extra logic to set the Visibility of your Next Level button to Visible. And I believe that should take care of the issue.