top down movement

Hello everyone, i am new to game development and I am trying to create a top down game. Im starting simple and trying to get my character to move around without the camera moving which I did however my character only looks straight when moving around and looks around with my mouse. can someone help me fix it so my mouse has no control of my character and just allow my character to move any which way just by moving, I hope this makes sence. thank you for the help!!!

The top-down template is already set up like you want, consider replicating what it does:

If we make the springarm location absolute :point_up_2: , we get:

get my character to move around

Sadly, we do not know how you’re doing it and knowing it would dictate the rotation method to choose.

my character only looks straight when moving around

Providing you’re using a movement component, navmesh and AI to move, it could be as simple as ticking a box:

looks around with my mouse

It generally does not unless you set it up like this or use an existing setup that takes advantage of Control Rotation. These should be disabled, for example:


How to make the character movement follow the mouse cursor - #3 by giomascitelli

Not at home so couldnt take my own SS. Linked for credit

But what the #2 post has said is the best approach if youre new to UE/Game Dev. Learn from the basics and expand upon them when you feel more comfortable.

im trying to have my character move and look 360 with WASD keys not with my mouse.

i have my Use controller rotation yaw checked thank you for this!!!


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