Hi Everyone, I’m having serious issues with my top down game. If i use the “BP_TOPDOWNCHARACTER” (I have added custom skeletal mesh, anim blendspaces and anim blueprint), Everything works fine.
If i change to ‘BP_mounted_character’, Movement stops. Now i think i’ve been thorough in the images i have created. But I will say in text, I am 100% using the built in top down controller, no modifications. I can confirm the mounted character DOES possess the controller, I have print stringed several values, return value of location, possessed pawn return and noted that the move to niagara effect fires. Just never movement. As per pics you can see i have a valid nav mesh.
OH, and the pic showing the BP possess, was added to the ‘BP_mounted_character’ just to confirm possession.
AAAAAND again, trying to be thorough, I originally made a BP inherited from top down character, it didn’t work either so i made a new character BP (mounted) and its the same. I have compared all variables from top down character to mounted character and EVERYTHING is the same.
Happy to add any pics that are relevant, but i’m pretty sure i have all bases covered.